Saturday, May 11, 2013

10 Things I hate about FB

So, I admit, I love Facebook. It's fun to see what everyone is doing, and to check out their pictures. If you pretend that you don't do the same, then you are either lying to yourself, or you don't have an account.

Regardless, here are ten things I dislike about FB. And before you go on a rant and tell me if I don't like it, I can just delete my page, remember this is my blog, and I can say whatever I want.

1. People over the age of 18 who write statuses to get attention. Example: "Oh I am so upset right now.....". Prompting suckers to comment with "Oh, what's wrong" and the author of the original comment will say "I don't want to talk about it".
Ugh. Your pathetic attempt at a pity party is ridiculous. Go volunteer at a Jr. High school where you can hang out with people who have the same drama as you.

2. Games. I do play some games, I love WWF, and Songpop. But I don't play them through FB. The constant requests every 3 seconds about giving them another life, joining their gang, or helping them guess the picture, are annoying. I try to hide the apps so I don't get the requests, but it's like trying to brush your teeth while eating Oreo's.

3. When people literally copy my original status and post it as their own. Really??

4. When people get super pissed if you don't comment on their status. I have seen a person post a status, and the next day, post another status about how pissed they were that no one commented on their original status. Settle down.

5. Duck Face. STOP IT. You look really stupid.

6. When people think every post you write is directly related to them.

7. When people post a picture and the caption says "OMG, I am so hideous".

8. When people want you to vote for a friend of a friend of a friend's baby in some baby contest. Unless I know the friend, or their baby, I am not voting.

9. Drama. I know I said that one before, but I have listed it twice because it's so ridiculous.

10. Anyone over 18 who change their relationship status to "it's complicated, to "in a relationship" 15 times a day.

With that said, there are a lot of things I love about FB. I like to see what people are up to, pictures, videos, recipes, etc. It's a great way to stay in touch with people you wouldn't normally be able to. :)

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